Ten regions of Peru placed under lockdown due to coronavirus upsurge

Restrictions affect capital Lima and neighboring El Callao, and they come amid an upturn in new daily coronavirus infections, shortages of medical oxygen and delays in the arrival of vaccines in the country, local press reported.

Confinement measures also reach the departments of Ancash, Apurimac, Huancavelica, Huanuco, Ica, Junin and Pasco, all put on "extreme alert" for the spread of the virus.



In these regions, which account for about half of the country's population, leaving the home will be limited until 14 of February, except for walking one hour per day and for basic purchases in stores which will be able to receive customers only up to 40% of their capacity, while restaurants and bars will only be able to operate with deliveries or take-away.

Resultado de imagen para cuarentena peru

Among the activities exempted from these restrictions are farming, fishing, hydrocarbons, mining, clinics and pharmacies, according to the Andina news agency.

Translation and VO: Fernando Farías

Web: Julián Cortéz