"It's the right thing to do" - Alberto Fernández RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Outgoing President to attend Milei's inauguration

Outgoing president Alberto Fernández confirmed he will attend the inauguration of his successor Javier Milei, next Sunday, December 10.

"It is the right thing to do, one is not a democrat depending on the outcome of elections", said the Head of State in an interview.

"One respects institutions, I am going to do it because it is the right thing to do", emphasized Mr Fernandez.

In this way he marks a difference with Vice President and former president CFK, who in 2015 did not put the sash on Mauricio Macri.

Milei will be sworn in before the Legislative Assembly, which gathers all the representatives and senators.

He will reportedly give a brief speech before the legislators, and then he will speak to his supporters from the gates of Parliament.

He will then go to the Casa Rosada to swear in his ministers and greet invited foreign leaders.