New Argentina sounds

"Irse" ("to leave")

YE is a very young band from the northern outskirts of Buenos Aires, formed in 2019. Previously they were called Viaje a Venus and included the great guitarist Daniel Sbarra, ex member of legendary rock group Virus. "Curva" is the first EP they release and features the production of Juan Del Barrio (keyboard player and former member of ex Spinetta Jade and Los Abuelos de la Nada). "Irse" is an airy ballad of impeccable workmanship that shows the quality of Pato Migliore, the main writer of the band.




La Montaña

The band La Montaña (The Mountain) defines their sound as "music without prejudice for all men and women of the world". It was founded by Nicolas Zadunaisky, Yate Shaw, Pablo Valle and Gonzalo Donofrio in 2016. In 2019 they released their first official album "La Música es el Trueno" (Music is the Thunder) "Marlon" is the first single of the 5 song EP they released in 2020 called "Un río dorado" (A Golden River). A beat song reminiscent of an actor who played Marlon Brando's character in Francis Ford Coppola's legendary movie "The Godfather".






Lola Cobach

Lola Cobach is a young neo soul singer and songwriter. She has already released an EP called "Time Has Come", an album called "Plumaje" and two singles, "Close to You" and "Último día". "Superluna" is the second preview of her new album. An organic soulful production with 70's feeling, danceable rhythm and modern audio with lyrics inspired by the so-called "Pink Supermoon" that could be seen from Buenos Aires in May 2021.