DX Supplement, October 7, 2021


As we already anticipated, LRA 6 Radio Nacional Mendoza is now called "Quino", in homage to the creator of the legendary cartoon character "Mafalda".

The ceremony was headed by the Secretary of Media and Public Communication, Valeria Zapesochny, the head of Radio y Televisión Argentina, Rosario Lufrano, the director of Radio Nacional, Alejandro Pont Lezica and the director of LRA6, Mariana Olguín.

Lufrano said during the ceremony: "Quino had a very unusual empathy, he was a deep humanist, a visionary who raised issues such as ecology, women's struggle, inequality, from these wonderful characters... Quino is provincial, universal and today more than ever he is National".




Carabobo is celebrating the return of Radio América, now in FM, under its new name "La Onda de la Alegría", broadcasting now on 90.9 mhz.

Founded by Monsignor Bernardo Antonio Heredia and Manolo Fachín de Boni, on April 9, 1953, it aired first via 890 kHz on AM from its central studios on Girardot Street, the first location before moving to the ARA Shopping Center.

Salvador Castillo, a renowned journalist who directed the "El Carabobeño" newspaper’s newsroom for more than 40 years, will be the head of news at "Noticiero América" on 90.9 FM.

Undoubtedly, Radio América continues to have that great family warmth and maintains the legacy of Monsignor Heredia, Manolo Fachín and Arturo Del Valle. Today it is clear that it is part of the carabobeños and cultural heritage of Valencia.


The famous singer Ozuna and producer and youtuber Santiago Matías announced that as of October 4, their own radio station in the Dominican Republic, Alofoke FM, began broadcasts. Alofoke FM will focus on urban music and interactive programs.

It operates on the frequency that was used by Sonido Suave (99.3 FM), from which Matías has been broadcasting successful programs such as the morning show "Esto no es radio" (This is not radio).

Matías told Efe that Alofoke FM comes to "innovate" Dominican radio with a "very visual" content that will seek to achieve a "balance between radio and internet".

In a statement, Ozuna said the radio project has been in development for three years and is focused as a "quality project in telecommunications" in the Dominican Republic.

"When we agreed to have a radio station in favor of Latin music, especially urban, it was one of the best decisions I have made in my life at a professional level," said Ozuna.

Alofoke FM's musical hallmark is urban and tropical rhythms, both by well-known singers and performers as well as new talents.

In addition to music programming, it will provide interactive programs, aiming to position itself among the most influential radio stations nationwide.


The Ministry of Culture’s Radio Educación, increases the power of its 96.5 FM signal in Mexico City (XHEP-FM) from 3,000 to 6,000 watts, which will enable the station to reach more listeners.

Last June, the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) authorized the Ministry of Culture to increase power for this public media outlet, which is almost 97 years old.

On this, the general director of Radio Educación, Gabriel Sosa Plata, said: "this is excellent news for listeners because we will be able to provide them with higher quality service, and this innovation comes in the context of the centennial of Mexican radio".

Created in 1924 by José Vasconcelos, Radio Educación broadcasts on 96.5 FM and 1060 AM; with rebroadcasts also in Mérida and Hermosillo; in addition to the international transmission in Short Wave through the frequency 6185 KHZ international 49-meter band and also through its website https://radioeducacion.edu.mx/-


BBC Radio 3 has just celebrated another anniversary. On September 29, 1946, as part of the post-war reorganization of the BBC, the “Third Programme” began broadcasting classical music, serious drama, literature and debate.

Introducing it in the Radio Times, BBC director general Sir William Haley said: "All its content will be aimed at a perceptive, intelligent audience, regardless of social class. This content inspired Edward Sackville-West to declare the Third Programme "the greatest educational and civilizing force England has known since the secularization of the theater in the 16th century."

The opening night featured Benjamin Britten's Festival Overture, specially commissioned for the event, as part of a concert conducted by Sir Adrian Boult, and a talk by Field-Marshal Smuts on world affairs. With no news bulletins or fixed schedules, there was room for longer programs.

In 1967 there was a reorganization of BBC Radio and the Third Programme became Radio 3. The station retains the ideals of the Third Programme, embracing culture and including music, with cycles like Composer of the Week, The Proms and Late Junction .

In other news, YouTube says it shut down two German channels of Russian state broadcaster RT for alleged misinformation about coronavirus, a decision that prompted threats of retaliation from Russia.

YouTube, which is owned by Google, said RT's German branch was sanctioned for uploading material that violated YouTube's standards on COVID-19 misinformation and, as a result, was suspended from uploading new videos to its channel.

Writing on the Telegram messaging app, RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan called the move "a real media war" by Germany against Russia.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in turn that YouTube's decision amounted to censorship.

Russia's Foreign Ministry said it would ask the relevant government agencies to take retaliatory measures against German media and YouTube.

Russia's state communications watchdog, Roskomnadzor, demanded that Google restore access to RT's YouTube channels and threatened the platform with fines and a ban if it failed to do so.

In Berlin, German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said the government has "taken note" of YouTube's decision.

"There is absolutely no reason for ... ``retaliation'' against German media working in Russia," he added and then sentenced: "Anyone who calls for such retaliation is not showing respect for press freedom, from our point of view."

RT, formerly known as Russia Today, streams its German-language programs online and so far lacks a license to broadcast in Germany via a terrestrial or satellite signal.