Facundo Leal, head of ARSAT, a local tech company and Farming Minister Luis Basterra, were in charge of sealing a new Agreement to promote the rural economy via the implementation of technological tools that boost productivity.

ARSAT will deploy its technological infrastructure, in the shortest possible time and at the lowest possible cost, with the purpose of technifying rural tasks and thus improve the productivity of the agricultural and livestock sector.

The agreement will allow for the use of the available fiber optic network and the satellite system, and will aim at giving affordable access to the Internet.




The TGW Museum, dependent on the National Radio and TV Bureau, was one of the 27 museums participating in the tenth edition of the Night of the Museums.

The history of radio broadcasting in Guatemala was presented on a video production. 10 fundamental facts about how radio emerged in Guatemala were presented as well as characters, stories and more relevant data.

Visitors could discover the cultural value of the radio equipment, microphones, consoles, transmitters, tape players, cassettes and see photo exhibitions of the announcers of yesteryear.

This year 2021, National Radio TGW will reach its 91st anniversary on the airwaves, informing, entertaining and educating the Guatemalan population.

The event was held last Friday, May 28, through TGW Digital's social networks, and the Night of the Museums, in the framework of the International Museum Day promoted by the International Council of Museums (ICOM).


Radio Jornalera New York began broadcasting: this is a station that wants to become the voice of day laborers and immigrants in the city.

Radio Jornalera is a community radio station that was born in California and has 7 stations throughout the country. Its mission is to provide resources and support on issues such as immigration and labor.

In New York, Radio Jornalera is part of La Colmena, a community center that offers legal advice and other resources to immigrants.

The goal is to create a communication platform for immigrant workers, especially amid a pandemic that severed many ties.


The European Broadcasting Union recently announced Friday the suspension of Belarus as a member country following the forced landing of a Ryanair plane in Minsk, where journalist and dissident Roman Protasevich and his girlfriend, Sofia Sapega, were arrested.

Thus, the organization's executive board has clarified in a statement that the Belarusian National Radio and Television Company (BTRC) will have two weeks to submit a response before the suspension comes into force.

The European Broadcasting Union, which organizes the Eurovision Song Contest, has indicated that at a meeting, the board decided to suspend the company because of "interviews conducted by the network" with Protasevich and Sapega, which were allegedly conducted "through the use of force".

In March, the Eurovision organization blocked the participation of Belarus because, in its opinion, the song submitted by the country did not comply with the rules of the contest.


Radio Nacional de España takes to the road with its new mobile studio: the renewed EM10.

After updating its corporate image and the profound improvement of its technical equipment to adapt this space to the new ways of working and multimedia production, the public broadcaster begins a journey that will extend over the coming months and that began a few days ago from the historic Plaza de Zocodover in Toledo, a unique urban space in the capital of Castilla-La Mancha.

On June 18 and 22 from Seville, home of the Spanish National Team during the first phase of the European Championship, there will be two special editions of 'Radiogaceta de los deportes', a sports program hosted by Chema Abad.

This new mobile studio is mounted on a standard trailer 10 meters long and 4 meters high. It weighs 12,500 kilos and is moved by a tractor unit.

The studio consists of a fully equipped and sound-proof technical control room and a stage designed for face-to-face programs. The vehicle also carries a 17-square meter stage for live music performances.