DX.com.ar – Week of 12th to 16th of April


The National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and the Association of Modulated Frequencies of Entre Ríos (AFMER) signed a framework agreement for collaboration and mutual assistance.

Under the agreement, AFMER will be able to use the radio programs "INTA Radio Concepción", produced by the Agricultural Experimental Station of Concepción del Uruguay, in order to broadcast them on its associated radio stations.

This program seeks to teach and encourage families to have their own vegetable gardens and promote rural activity on small plots of land.





The Andean Government authorized in the past few days an increase to the initial budget of the Vice-Ministry of Communication of more than 50 million Bolivianos.
On the same decree, funds are approved for hiring of online consultants for the strengthening of the National Network of Aboriginal Peoples' Radios.


Children of the community of Warpuy, in the province of Pachitea (Huanuco region), will be able to learn via the “I learn at home” program thanks to four solar radios donated by the Panao police station.

This gift was an initiative by Anthony Michel Navarro Ayala, Commissioner of Panao, and his staff. They had to walk three hours to reach the place and deliver the receivers. Warpuy has no electricity and last year, children were unable to receive educational content broadcast on radio..


Radio Universidad, one of the first FM radio stations in Nicaragua, which belongs to the Universidad Centroamericana (UCA), will become digital. This was announced last Thursday by academic authorities of the Jesuit university. The decision led to the removal from the air of three programs critical of the government of Daniel Ortega.

The UCA management told CNN that it is investing in the modernization and upgrading of the radio station's equipment and facilities.

The change in Radio Universidad transmission system prompted the decision to get off the air programs "Café con voz", "Onda local", and "Cuerpos sinvergüenzas".

This was reported to CNN by the directors of the three independent radio spaces that questioned the government's actions since the socio-political crisis began in the Central American nation back in April 2018.

For its part, the organization Journalists and Independent Communicators of Nicaragua (PCIN) called on the Jesuit order that runs the UCA, on their decision to change the radio format in an election year, which they consider "untimely".

The University maintains a tense relationship with thel Ortega administration after its dean, Father José Idiáquez, opened the school’s gates to shelter thousands of people who on May 30, 2018 participated in the so-called Mothers' Day March.

Jesuits have since denounced reprisals. Among them, budget cuts in the allocation of the Nicaraguan State.

Dozens of famous reporters have passed through the booth of Radio Universidad, founded in 1984, who later developed their careers in important media outlets in Nicaragua and other countries.


As part of the Naturaleza project, Radio Educación recently announced a call for radio, media, communication and culture professionals to participate in the International Radio Production Contest 2021, "which will aim to address, as a priority, but not exclusively, linguistic diversity, inclusion, community media and sustainable development through contemporary radio narratives," according to the federal government's Ministry of Culture.

The contest is part of the XIII International Radio Biennial, one of the most important and recognized Spanish-language events of its kind worldwide, which has been held since 1996 and has stood out for promoting and disseminating cultural expressions of diversity from the discussion of the medium, in addition to the projection it gives to Mexico abroad, according to the press release.

From April 15 to May 31, 2021, radio, communication or cultural professionals, regardless of their field of work or country of origin, as well as non-professional radio professionals (students, diexists, members of civil society organizations and/or community radio stations, among others), may enter the contest with their productions.

In addition, the winning programs will be made available to the public on the platform Contigo en la distancia, of the Ministry of Culture, and the Chapultepec, Nature and Culture project, as well as to the stations members of the Network of Educational and Cultural Radio and Television Stations of Mexico, and non-profit educational, cultural and public radio stations in other countries, for their broadcasting and transmission on the air.

The jury that will select the winning proposals will be made up of national and international specialists, radio professionals, academics and/or researchers of recognized prestige.

The registration process will be done online, through the web page www.bienalderadio.gob.mx. There will be no cost and it will be open from April 15 to May 31, 2021.


Ten U.S. legislators asked the White House to increase the budget of Radio and TV Marti, a station that is highly critical of the Cuban government.

In an April 7 letter, representatives and senators ask President Biden for at least $30 million for Radio and TV Martí, and $20 million for the so-called “democracy-promoting” programs. The signatories stress the importance of these broadcasts to Cuba to break the Cuban government's control over the media.

The legislators argue that broadcasts play "a key role" in "connecting Cubans on the island" and linking them to the international activist network that supports the cause of freedom and human rights, the letter states.

The funds are needed to break censorship and also the interference with which the Cuban government tries to curb broadcasts, the signatories say.

The letter addresses budget issues and recalls that there was a significant cut in 2020, and that recently there was a reduction in personnel, in which dozens of contractors specialized in the Cuban issue were laid off.


We inform you that at the suggestion of its listeners, during the night of April 7th to 8th, Radio Romania International in Spanish changed the following frequencies:
- At 21.00 UTC, the frequency of 13.750 DRM (directed to Argentina and Brazil) was replaced by the frequency of 9.620 Khz;
- At 2300 hours UTC, the 13.750 kilohertz frequency (directed to South America) was replaced by the 9.700 kHz frequency;
- At 0200 hours UTC, the frequency of 15.330 kilohertz (directed to South America) was replaced by the frequency of 9.440 kilohertz.