Documentary: Maradona, the last idol

2020 will always be remembered as the year in which the world lived in danger. The COVID pandemic took hundreds of thousands of lives all over the planet. And it also forced us into new ways of living together.

Many illustrious personalities died in 2020. And on November 25...the whole world received, with astonishment, the unfortunate news of the death of Diego Armando Maradona, a global soccer star. It happened at noon on that Wednesday in November. Unexpected news that nobody could have imagined. We Argentines believed him...to be immortal. The news of his death spread like a waterfall.

The Argentine State Radio, Radio Nacional and its 49-station network covered non-stop the first 48 hours after the news of his death, with all kinds of content to remember the Argentine football icon. Many people who shared moments along Diego's life spoke on the air during that coverage.

Broadcasters, journalists, former footballers and other sportspeople, authorities from Argentine and foreign football clubs, and many more, chose Radio Nacional to remember him...some of them really moved, not able to hold back their tears. In this documentary Radio Nacional pays homage to him through a retrospective of his entire career: The production is in Spanish and will be competing in various international festivals during 2021.