Argentina seeks to "discourage foreign travel" and reinforce border security

Officials from the ministries of Interior, Health, Transport and Security held a videoconference on Monday with ten governors of provinces with international borders in order to discuss potential restrictions on traffic into and out of the country, amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Stricter border controls were considered, sources said, with the goal of preventing unauthorised movement across borders, via the deployment of more security forces and special attention to the epidemiological situation on the borders with Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia.




Although 70 percent of Argentines returning to the country reside in the city and province of Buenos Aires, the functionality of "safe corridors" for re-entry into the country was also analyzed by officials, as well as the need for jurisdictions to ensure compliance with the mandatory quarantine of those returning to the country.

In this regard, the contribution of various international NGOs with experience in this area was taken into consideration, and it was recalled that even if tests are negative, the only way to be one hundred percent safe is to comply with a seven-day isolation.

In addition, at the meeting it was proposed to declare as essential those working in border control and passes in order to speed up their vaccination against Covid-19.