Argentina continues to boost sustainable energies

In mid-August, energy generation from renewable sources in Argentina reached a record 24 percent of total demand, although the annual average stands at 10 percent. According to a report published by state-ran news agency Télam, "changing the energy matrix, currently based on 85 percent fossil fuels, towards clean energy sources, is one of the fastest ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (and the other is to stop deforestation)".

The same source anticipates Argentina will present to the next Climate Summit to be held in Glasgow, Scotland, from November 1 to 12, a commitment to reach a 30 percent share of renewables in its electricity matrix by 2030.



For this, it was highlighted that "the country not only has abundant natural resources (sun in the North, wind in Patagonia, biomass from crops, forestry industry or urban waste in the center of the country and the power of the sea in its Atlantic coast)" but also "its own knowledge and technological developments, which allow adapting devices and solutions to the needs of each region".