Argentina and Mexico summoned their ambassadors to Nicaragua

The Argentine government ordered its ambassador in Nicaragua, Mateo Daniel Capitanich to return to the country due to "the worrying legal political actions" carried out by the president of that Central American nation, Daniel Ortega, which for the Casa Rosada "have put at risk the integrity and freedom of several opposition figures and activists as well as Nicaraguan businesspeople".

The decision and the announcement were made jointly with the government of Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador who summoned their ambassador Gustavo Alonso Cabrera Rodríguez.

The Argentine Foreign Ministry clarified that one of the reasons for calling the ambassador was that the Nicaraguan government did not approve Capitanich's request to visit the detainees.

The decision also does not imply a change in the position of Argentina and Mexico with respect to the abstention from the OAS proposal to condemn the Ortega government.