Weather Change

Weather Change accelerates and young activists lambast world leaders for inaction at the UN

This Monday the Summit on Climate Action began in New York, amidst the denunciations of social leaders for inaction and a catastrophe that is already being experienced.

In this context, a group of 16 young people, including activist Greta Thunberg, denounced Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany and Turkey to the UN for "not protecting children from the impact of climate change.

In addition, the young Swede - who has already become a symbol of activism for environmental protection - emphasized that countries and world leaders "have not kept their promises" in the face of inaction due to the climate emergency.

The group of activists comes from 12 different countries and is supported by the international law firm Hausfeld and the blessing of UNICEF.

The complaint is part of an unknown "optional protocol" to the convention: since 2014 it authorizes children to file a complaint with the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child if they feel their rights have been denied.


AUDIO 1- Greta Thunberg denounces world leaders and countries for inaction on climate change - 0:47

AUDIO 2- Jorge Faurie, Chancellor of Argentina (in Spanish - Continental) - Jorge Faurie, Chancellor of Argentina (in Spanish - Continental

AUDIO 3- Antonio Guterres - UN Secretary General to world leaders