After trip to Israel and Italy RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

President Milei returned to Argentina

President Javier Milei returned to Argentina after a week-long trip to Israel, Italy and the Vatican.

He arrived yesterday in BA from Rome, where he had met the day before with his Italian counterpart Sergio Mattarella as well as Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Mr Milei was also received at the Holy See by his countryman, Pope Francis, with whom he had an interview of more than one hour.

According to the Casa Rosada, the President presented to the Pontiff his plan to solve Argentina's socio economic crisis.

Official sources said the meeting with Francis was "very cordial".

During the encounter, it was not confirmed whether the Pope will finally visit his native country this year, as has been rumored.

It is worth mentioning that Jorge Bergoglio has not returned to Argentina since before ascending to the throne of St. Peter's in 2013.

As part of his tour, president Milei also visited Israel, where he met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and local President Isaac Herzog.

In that framework, the Head of State announced the transfer of the Argentine embassy to Jerusalem.

He also signed an agreement with the Israeli company XtraLit to invest in the exploitation of lithium in northern Argentina.