First foreign trip as President RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Milei travels to Davos

In his first international trip as President of Argentina, Javier Milei attends the Davos Forum.

He leaves today for the Swiss city, where he will speak on Wednesday on "security and cooperation in a fractured world".

Foreign Minister Diana Mondino, who will also speak in Davos on "Latin America's economic realism", is traveling with him.

In a radio interview, Mr Milei assured that he received more than 60 requests for bilateral meetings within the framework of the forum, but clarified had to turn down most of them because of his tight schedule.

However, sources from Casa Rosada quoted by local media assure that the President will meet with Kristalina Georgieva, Director of the International Monetary Fund.

The meeting will take place after a renegotiation of the agreement to settle the debt of more than 40 billion dollars that Argentina has with the Fund.

In addition, Giorgieva expressed her support to the economic program of Milei's government.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Mondino received on Friday the Chinese ambassador in Buenos Aires, Wang Wei.

The diplomats underlined the intention of strengthening the bilateral link.

The official also thanked the Chinese government for the speed with which it accepted the credentials of the newly-appointed ambassador in Beijing, Marcelo Suárez Salvia.