Survey by British website RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Half of Brits support Argentina over Malvinas

According to a survey, 49% of Britons support the Argentine Malvinas sovereignty claim.

The figure comes from a poll released by the British website "Declassified UK".

According to the same survey, 21% of those consulted think that the islands should remain under British control.




Meanwhile, 20 percent support a model of shared sovereignty over the South Atlantic archipelago.

In Argentina, the Secretary for Malvinas Affairs, Guillermo Carmona, said the survey shows the lack of support in the UK for London's stance on the islands.

The consultation, Carmona says, "shows that a significant part of British society does not understand why it has to pay for a colonial occupation with its taxes".

The article reports that London currently spends more than $100 million a year on its military presence on the islands.

In the same article, Declassified UK interviews Argentine ambassador in the UK, Javier Figueroa, who recalls sovereignty negotiations did take place, before the 1982 war.

The diplomat asks why, if the UK has no doubts about its rights over the Malvinas, it negotiated with Buenos Aires for 16 years over the archipelago.

Those talks followed UN resolution 2065, which recognised the existence of a dispute over the Malvinas and called on the parties to negotiate.

According to Declassified UK, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's government offered to hand over control of the Islands to Argentina in a clandestine meeting two years before the war.




Falklands: Should UK negotiate with or defy Argentina?