DX Supplement, September 23, 2021

ZYE365 Radio Nacional da Amazonia on 6180 kHz and 11780 kHz broadcasts via transmitters in Brasilia, from 11 UTC every day in Portuguese with 250 kW of power. The best daytime reception is on the 25 meter band.

ZYE521 Radio Inconfidencia transmits from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, on 6010 kHz with 5 kws of power and has been picked up after 1130 UTC.

Radio NUG, also known as Voice of National Unity Government of Myanmar is still operating on the new frequency of 12000 kHz, 1323-1359 UTC from Palau with 250 kW.


Voice of Greece was reported with IDs in Greek, Arabic and Serbian on 9420 kHz from the Avis transmitter center, with 250 KWS of power as of 07 UTC onwards.

Radio Vanuatu, from Port Vila, has recently been heard on the new 5040 khz frequency after 07 UTC with English and vernacular programs targeting the Pacific region.

The Afghanistan International TV service is still operational on 7600 kHz via Yerevan, at about 01 UTC while it has also been received at about 1430 on 7599.8 khz, with 100 kW from the RRTM Telecom-operated retransmitter in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The broadcast targets Central Asia, and is in Pashto language.

The clandestine station Raadiyyoni Dirree Shaggar on 15415 kHz via TDF Issoudun in France continues to be heard from 1600-1630 UTC on the aforementioned 15415 khz frequency with 250 kW in Afan language to East Africa.


ARGENTINA: in the northern province of Chaco, Radio Nacional Resistencia is celebrating 40 years on the air.

LRA 26 Radio Nacional Resistencia began broadcasting under that name on September 16, 1981 and is the successor of LT 5 Radio Chaco.

During the ceremony, the head of the Institute of Culture, Mariela Quirós, said: "We know what a media outlet means in everybody’s life. We grow with its sound in the background, which in the case of radio is even more significant, because of its educational possibilities. That’s an enormous responsibility. And precisely, those who work at Radio Nacional honor that responsibility".

On her part, the director of Radio Nacional Resistencia, Silvia Villavicencio, highlighted that the radio station "is a radio of informative quality, of content quality and that demands time, preparation and a lot of commitment".

More news from Argentina. In Ushuaia, in the province of Tierra del Fuego, next October 7 is the deadline for the presentation of bids to those interested in the operation of an AM Radio, in a bidding called by ENACOM, the national communications agency, for the 960 KHZ frequency.


The national government has dismantled two illegal radio stations that had been operating from the top of the Nuevo Amanecer hill, in the district of Puente Piedra.

These "pirate" radios were transmitting for the districts of Puente Piedra, Comas and Carabayllo using frequency bands not authorized by the Ministry of Communications. According to Peruvian law, this amounts to a theft of the radio spectrum, as it generates interference in the signals of several local radio stations. It also causes considerable economic losses to the Peruvian State.

The seized stations operated under the name of "Radio Antena Uno" and "Radio La Titular", on the FM frequencies 95.2 MHz and 90.8 MHz respectively.

In both cases, transmission systems and antennas were seized.
According to the Ministry, advanced technology and drones are used to detect and then shut down these illegal signals.

The districts of San Juan de Lurigancho and Comas are the areas where most pirate radios are reported around the capital Lima area, while on the national level Cajamarca, Puno, Huánuco, La Libertad, Lambayeque and Piura are the zones with the highest illegal broadcasting activity levels.


On August 25, 2021, the 'News Showcase' initiative was launched, with the participation of local networks Caracol Radio and W Radio, the two main news brands of Prisa Media in Colombia.

On a daily basis, Google News users will be able to find original, exclusive, in-depth content produced by Caracol Radio and W Radio.

Felipe Cabrales Urdaneta, CEO of Caracol Radio said about this new feature: "We are very proud that two of our brands are part of the first group of radios in News Showcase worldwide".

According to Urdaneta, "Google has not only trusted Colombia as the third market in Latin America, but also placed their trust in Caracol Inc. to strengthen the delivery of high quality news and information content, while fighting disinformation and 'fakenews'”.

So far, this alliance between Google and the media had only taken place in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, India and Australia, and recently in Brazil and Argentina, exclusively for traditional print media.


The government continues to call for bidders interested in acquiring radio frequencies, and according to the latest information, there are more than 150 interested parties.
On this occasion, 319 AM and FM radio frequencies are being offered for 20 years.
According to the authorities, "this broad interest may contribute to a greater diversity of options and generate more competition, to the benefit of a greater number of radio listeners throughout the country".