RAE Argentina to the world

Covid: the pandemic that changed the world

The Argentine government acknowledges movement restrictions are being considered

The Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, said that "some recommendations and national measures are being discussed", but she warned that "any measure must also have the compliance and commitment of society", amid the surge in COVID infections of the past 10 days.

On Sunday at Ezeiza airport, she oversaw the arrival of the eleventh Aerolíneas Argentinas flight that brought almost 500,000 doses of the Sputnik V vaccine from Moscow.

Ms. Vizzotti confirmed the increase in the number of infections, which is why, she explained, "we are working as always, based on scientific evidence and taking into consideration the risks in each activity and the epidemiological situation in each district, always aware that we need consensus from all 24 provinces".

Finally regarding president Alberto Fernández, who tested positive for COVID last week, the Minister said he "is very well" and that his condition "is good".